Monday, October 27, 2008

Homeowners Great Ideas for Saving from the Simple Dollar

As a Realtor, Mother and Faithful energy conscience proponent, I subscribe to numerous newsletters and publications to learn as much as I can about being a non-wasteful green devotee.

Some of these I use myself, I have recommended many of these tips to my buyers and sellers, now I wish to share with you some of the tips I have learned and the new ones that I saw posted on the Simple Dollar. Please review below and see what you can use to help you save.

1. Check the insulation in your attic - and install more if needed.

2. Lower the temperature on your hot water heater down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (55 degrees Celsius)

3. Toss a water heater blanket over that hot water heater as well.

4. Install ceiling fans in most rooms.

5. Wrap exposed water pipes with insulation.

6. Install a programmable thermostat - and learn how to use it.

7. Hang a clothes rack in your laundry room (or, better yet, an outdoor clothesline).

8. Check all toilets & under-sink plumbing for leaks or constant running - and check faucets, too.

9. Replace your air handling filter.

10. Make sure the vents in all rooms are clear of dust and obstructions.

11. Mark any cracks in the basement with dated masking tape.

12. Install CFL and LED light bulbs in some locations.

13. Choose energy efficient appliances, even if you have to pay more up front.

14. Set up your home electronics with a SmartStrip or two.

15. Air-seal your home.

16. Plant shade trees near your house.

17. Take advantage of tax benefits for any improvements you make.

18. Develop a home maintenance checklist - and run through it for the first time

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Monmouth County being GREEN

A while back ago, I wrote about the plan for NJ to reduce carbon gas emissions by 2020. This is a big step for NJ to join in the fight to take care of our planet earth. Along those lines, Monmouth County is on board in dedicating themselves to combating climate change and global warming.

Monmouth County has outlined some ways to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions creating programs that:

  • promote waste to energy programs
  • incorporate LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)standards in new construction and the rehabilitation of buildings
  • implement better land use policies
  • develop alternative sources of energy
  • foster economic development and job creation
  • expand transportation and work choices to reduce traffic congestion
  • reduce energy bills
To name a few.........please check out the Monmouth County website at for further information.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Where have I been?

I'm embarrassed for not having a post since August 2008. I figured once the kids got in school then I would have some time. September turned into, back to school nights, getting the kids to their after school activities added to being a working single mom took the time by a windstorm. The time just came and went. I can't believe it's mid October. I just about got my Fall decorations out. The weather feels so nice and brisk but not cold. It's such a beautiful time of year.

As of late, I've been keeping track of what is happening in the economy. It has been an economic roller coaster ride just listening to the stock market, loss of jobs, lack of health care in the country crippling so many good people and in the trouble in the housing market. Which I know so well with the lack of sales overall in this country. Housing having the tendency to have a trickle effect to so much.

I have also been paying close attention to the Presidential election as most of you have. Making the best choice for a leader with a good vision of how to resolve the problems created over the last 8 years is an enormous task for anyone to take on. God Bless the next president of the United States to make this country whole again.

Aside from the lack of posting and what I have been up to lately. I have been keeping tabs the ways of Green as I am so passionate about. I joined the local chapter of the USGBC so that I can learn more, educate my readers and my clients alike. I believe very strongly that if anyone tries to change one thing at a time, the world will be a better place both in wellness and saving money for us today and in the future by creating some good habits.

So in honor of Halloween quickly approaching, I wanted to share these tips that I read in the Green Guide, be healthy, save money, have fun. Until next time, wishing you prosperity, joy, love and blessings...........