Amid all the challenging economic times, recession, rising prices at the grocery stores, health insurance, expensive auto insurance, property taxes, housing foreclosures, a slow job market, rising costs of living, the NJ deficit, Gov. Corizine’s proposed toll hikes, constant pressures to make ends meet, etc. There is always a BRIGHT SIDE.
This is a GREAT TIME to really learn to appreciate what you currently have. Learn better spending habits, try to stick to want you need to buy,not more than the toys that you have to have and stick to the basics.
Investing is better for some since many stock prices have gone down that were up high before, and it's great time to PURCHASE REAL ESTATE!
My Money Poem
I want to make money to get out of debt
I’m grateful for all my hard lessons and the time that I spent
I want to learn more about life so I bloom
And leave behind memories of darkness and gloom
In spite of my debt and my bills piling high
I am blessed beyond words with the days that go by
I’m never alone and always feel loved
He’s there for me always
“The Good Lord Above”
by Lucy Korzelius