Saturday, December 27, 2008
My New Years Wish......
'Father, I ask You to bless my children, grandchildren, friends, relatives, blog followers and email
buddies reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of your love and power. Holy Spirit,
I ask You to minister to their spirit this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your
peace and mercy. I ask that we all strive to bring peace, prosperity and care to this
beautiful planet of ours. We all need to work together to live in harmony, health and love. We all
need to believe in ourselves and what our efforts can accomplish to make this a better world.
Where there is self doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace,
In Jesus' precious name.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Cool Green Idea for those who don't like leaf blowers

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Good Deeds for the Holidays - takes a minute
Send a card to:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington , D.C. 20307-5001
This is pretty simple... Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals..
It takes less than a minute (How about 20 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for animals' for free. This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.
Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
If you're driving on the NJ tolls roads-bring some extra $$
Sunday, November 9, 2008
More on NJ Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Cleaners, what to look for.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Homeowners Great Ideas for Saving from the Simple Dollar
As a Realtor, Mother and Faithful energy conscience proponent, I subscribe to numerous newsletters and publications to learn as much as I can about being a non-wasteful green devotee.
Some of these I use myself, I have recommended many of these tips to my buyers and sellers, now I wish to share with you some of the tips I have learned and the new ones that I saw posted on the Simple Dollar. Please review below and see what you can use to help you save.
1. Check the insulation in your attic - and install more if needed.
2. Lower the temperature on your hot water heater down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (55 degrees Celsius)
3. Toss a water heater blanket over that hot water heater as well.
4. Install ceiling fans in most rooms.
5. Wrap exposed water pipes with insulation.
6. Install a programmable thermostat - and learn how to use it.
7. Hang a clothes rack in your laundry room (or, better yet, an outdoor clothesline).
8. Check all toilets & under-sink plumbing for leaks or constant running - and check faucets, too.
9. Replace your air handling filter.
10. Make sure the vents in all rooms are clear of dust and obstructions.
11. Mark any cracks in the basement with dated masking tape.
12. Install CFL and LED light bulbs in some locations.
13. Choose energy efficient appliances, even if you have to pay more up front.
14. Set up your home electronics with a SmartStrip or two.
15. Air-seal your home.
16. Plant shade trees near your house.
17. Take advantage of tax benefits for any improvements you make.
18. Develop a home maintenance checklist - and run through it for the first time
Sunday, October 26, 2008
REAL ESTATE NEWS - Things are looking up....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monmouth County being GREEN
Monmouth County has outlined some ways to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions creating programs that:
- promote waste to energy programs
- incorporate LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)standards in new construction and the rehabilitation of buildings
- implement better land use policies
- develop alternative sources of energy
- foster economic development and job creation
- expand transportation and work choices to reduce traffic congestion
- reduce energy bills
Friday, October 17, 2008
Where have I been?
As of late, I've been keeping track of what is happening in the economy. It has been an economic roller coaster ride just listening to the stock market, loss of jobs, lack of health care in the country crippling so many good people and in the trouble in the housing market. Which I know so well with the lack of sales overall in this country. Housing having the tendency to have a trickle effect to so much.
I have also been paying close attention to the Presidential election as most of you have. Making the best choice for a leader with a good vision of how to resolve the problems created over the last 8 years is an enormous task for anyone to take on. God Bless the next president of the United States to make this country whole again.
Aside from the lack of posting and what I have been up to lately. I have been keeping tabs the ways of Green as I am so passionate about. I joined the local chapter of the USGBC so that I can learn more, educate my readers and my clients alike. I believe very strongly that if anyone tries to change one thing at a time, the world will be a better place both in wellness and saving money for us today and in the future by creating some good habits.
So in honor of Halloween quickly approaching, I wanted to share these tips that I read in the Green Guide, be healthy, save money, have fun. Until next time, wishing you prosperity, joy, love and blessings...........
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Summer Days
It's been a busy month of August, so my blog entries have been few and far between. My priority this month, I will admit have been my kids and also enjoying some the beautiful weather Mother Nature has brought our way here in the beautiful Garden State. My kids are just getting their last Hurrahs of summer. We've been trying to squeeze in things to do everyday before the first day of school on Sept. 3rd.
I have also been catching up on my reading. My schedule goes back to norm (somewhat) with my girls in school so, I will be able to post more interesting topics on how to be Green, happenings in NJ and of course, my passion and profession "Real Estate in NJ".
NJ has been suffering with the economy lately, slow real estate sales, high taxes, energy costs rising and yes we can blame the government and others for that but taking some initiative ourselves is crucial to bringing down costs, developing some good habits and making this world a better place.
I thought I would start with water. Please read below some tips on water consumption. I hope this offers you some ideas that you could use in your daily lives. Have a Happy and Safe Labor Day weekend.........
Every drop matters when it comes to water. Here are five things you can do to save water in the kitchen and laundry:
1. Use your dishwasher only for full loads.
2. Use your automatic clothes washing machine only for full loads.
3. If you wash dishes by hand, don't leave the water running for rinsing. If you have two sinks, fill one with soapy water and one with rinse water.
4. Don't leave the faucet on while you clean vegetables. Just rinse them in a stoppered sink or a pan of clean water.
5. Check the faucets and pipes for leaks. Leaks waste water 24 hours a day, seven days a week and often can be repaired with just an inexpensive washer.
Let's all make this world a better place.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Garden State $$$Green, I'm mean Greed
I LOVE THIS STATE, but it's just getting tougher and tougher to manage living here these days. It is my opinion, that this is one of the reasons so many are living our Garden State for points South......
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
MADONNA HOUSE fundraiser was a "Great Success"
The weather was magnificent last Wednesday. It started warm and sunny, in the evening the full moon was so bright and beautiful. It was the perfect backdrop make the fundraiser a memorable one.
The event was a success. Not only were we able to raise money for this worthy cause but some many others also donated many items to the Madonna House to be sold in their Thrift Shop and for future sales. It was lots of fun, great food and many who came that didn’t know much about the Madonna House and all the good things that this organization does for the community. This event opened many doors to many other organizations that will benefit the Madonna House in the future.
There were so many donated items that weren’t sold, L’Estrella and the Madonna House will be holding a garage sale to raise additional money in the near future. There are many beautiful paintings, prints, china, collectibles, furniture, etc.
In addition to the funds raised, L’Estrella Studio in Colts Neck donated to the Madonna House a beautiful one of a kind painting to be hung at her location in Neptune. Becky Blonsky, the founder of the Madonna House was delighted as it so aptly represented what the Madonna House stands for. Their primary mission being to serve infants, children and women by providing supplies 'FREE OF CHARGE". Since 1987 an estimated 7,000 local children a year are aided by the Madonna House. Anyone interested in learning more about the Madonna House located in Neptune Township can log on to their website at http://
Our group the "New Jersey Shore IFSG" has been assisting the Madonna House with a Curbside Makeover in beginning November 2007. Since then we have been gathering donations of paint and raising funds for other items that they need to help their organization run more smoothly. Through the applying some Feng Shui principles our purpose is to make some changes in their environment to increase a better energy flow, bring in harmony, prosperity and abundance to this valuable organization. Some describe Feng Shui a Chinese Earth Science or Ancient Art developed to bring people into harmony with nature, time and space. The literal meaning of Feng Shui is “ wind water”. For more information on our group, events and community projects, please log on to
Monday, July 14, 2008
Benefit for the Madonna House
If anyone is reading this blog and is a local to the Central Jersey area; I wanted to let you know that I am involved in a fundraiser this Wednesday, July 16th from 5pm-8pm being held in Colts Neck for a charity that is near and dear to my heart "The Madonna House" this non-profit organization is located in Neptune Township and helps needy children and families. The Madonna House has been established and continues solely on the generousity of others so that they can keep their doors open to the less fortunate. Please click on the link posted for details, time and location.....I hope I see you there.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
It's Cool to be Green
I have chosen to start eliminating bleaches, ammonia's and other toxic cleaners because there really are other alternatives. I have children, I have pets and our overall help is extremely important to me.
Besides the home made recipes below, I belong to a wellness club were I can by cleaners, food and other healthy supplies by phone or on-line. I save a ton of money, love the products and by the way they offer a way to make money with their wellness items as well. That my friends, I will write about on my next blog.
In the meantime, try these cleaners which are less toxic, easy on the budget and saves a trip to the grocery store. Most of these items you may already have in your cabinets.
1/2 cup borax (borax can be found in the laundry aisle)
1 gal. hot water
Mix amounts in pail or use smaller amounts in a spray bottle (1/4 cup or borax to 1 qt. of hot water) Dissolve completely and begin wiping down, it makes a great surface cleaner.
Glass Cleaner
1/4 cup white vinegar or 1 Tbsp. lemon juice
2+ cups of water
Fill a clean spray bottle with water and either white vinegar or lemon juice, wipe surfaces with an old newspaper. Believe me this really works!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Gas Prices Out of Control
I am also a Realtor and need to approach my business slightly differently when it comes to buyers wanting to go out and look at homes. These are my thoughts now but what happens when the weather starts to change. The we also have to front more in the cost of heating our homes. Many millions of Americans run on gas.
I have read and seen a multitude about the gas prices but no one seems to have a solution or an idea of when it's going to stop. Below is an article from a newsletter I receive by Smart Growth Around America -
If any one out there has suggestions to help us all work together to see if we as a nation can bring about a change to stop this weekly increase insanity, I would LOVE to hear it.
Gas prices changing the face of America
Almost overnight, gas prices have become the most pressing issue in the minds of Americans. Desperate for solutions, many of us already have grabbed the low-hanging fruit: Combine trips. Work from home occasionally. Drive the sedan instead of the SUV. Carpool. Vacation close to home.
Most people don't expect things to get much better any time soon: A poll commissioned by SGA and other groups earlier this year showed that 92 percent believe gas will only get more expensive in the coming years. Though struggling with near-term implications, many are starting to wonder how a future of costly energy will reshape their lives and landscape. You can already see it in the housing market, where people are unable to unload McMansions in partly-finished, distant subdivisions for the same reason they can't sell their large SUVs: Potential buyers don't want the high gas bills. Just this week, the Wall Street Journal, CNN and the Los Angeles Times all reported on how expensive gas is reshaping consumer demand.
Americans are beginning to ask themselves the big questions: "How did we get to a situation where the only option we have is to drive? Why can't I take a train to work? Why can't my kids walk to school like I did?"
With 95 percent of Americans lacking easy access to public transportation and untold millions living in unwalkable places, the time is now to increase our investment in strategies to lessen our need for gasoline and oil: better public transportation, more walkable and bikeable neighborhoods. Given the situation with escalating gas prices, global warming, and our dependence on oil, we need better alternatives to protect us from the pain of the pump.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Rain Garden, what's a Rain Garden?
What is a Rain Garden? Here's the Wikepedia definition. A rain garden is a planted depression that is designed to absorb rainwater runoff from impervious urban areas like roofs, driveways, walkways, and compacted lawn areas. This reduces rain runoff by allowing stormwater to soak into the ground (as opposed to flowing into storm drains and surface waters which causes erosion, water pollution, flooding, and diminished groundwater).
Rain gardens can cut down on the amount of pollution reaching creeks and streams by up to 30%. Below is an article that I included from today's Asbury Park Press. A local Realtor and her daughter designed one in Neptune City for a cost of about $700.00. They say it's the only one of it's kind in Monmouth County to date.
Imagine if we could all encourage the officials where we live to have at least one rain garden. Interesting concept, isn't it?
Thank for reading my blog. Lucy
"In this life we cannot always do great things. We can only do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Outside grillers, propane tank users - GOOD SAFETY INFORMATION
A friend emailed me this information and I felt it was worthy to post on my blog. The weather is warm, more outdoor parties, cooking and overall entertaining. If you have a grill that uses a propane tank, this is useful information that comes from the NATIONAL PROPANE GAS ASSOCIATION.
Meth cooks are getting the propane tanks from the exchanges at Wal-Mart, Kroger, etc. and emptying them of the propane. Then, they are filling them with anhydrous ammonia (which they now have a recipe for by the way). After they are finished with them, they return them to the store. They are then refilled with propane and sent back for you and me to buy.
Anhydrous ammonia is very corrosive and weakens the structure of the tank. It can be very dangerous when mixed with propane and hoo ked up to our grills, etc. You should inspect the propane tank for any blue or greenish residue around the valve areas. If it is present, refuse to purchase that one.'
Check out the following website for more details. They also have pictures so you know what it looks like.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Improve the Air Quality in your Office Environment
As a Realtor, the overall market is always a concern. It's been a rocky road in the housing sales. However, talking and writing about healthier ways of living go hand in hand in the Real Estate biz.
A few years ago, I found an article about a study that NASA along with the ALCA (Associated Contractors of America) conducted in the late 1980's about houseplants that was good news to homeowners and office workers.
This is Spring time, the weather is warming up, more outdoor living, more open windows but there are buildings where it's difficult to bring the fresh air in. Not so good if you spend a lot of time in energy efficient buildings that lack the proper ventilation. If that's the case, the lack of good air quality can trap pollutants in the unventilated buildings.
The recommended plants can be found below. Note that all the plants in the list are easily available from your local nursery.
1. Philodendron scandens `oxycardium', heartleaf philodendron
2. Philodendron domesticum, elephant ear philodendron
3. Dracaena fragrans `Massangeana', cornstalk dracaena
4. Hedera helix, English ivy
5. Chlorophytum comosum, spider plant
6. Dracaena deremensis `Janet Craig', Janet Craig dracaena
7. Dracaena deremensis `Warneckii', Warneck dracaena
8. Ficus benjamina, weeping fig
9. Epipiremnum aureum, golden pothos
10. Spathiphyllum `Mauna Loa', peace lily
11. Philodendron selloum, selloum philodendron
12. Aglaonema modestum, Chinese evergreen
13. Chamaedorea sefritzii, bamboo or reed palm
14. Sansevieria trifasciata, snake plant
15. Dracaena marginata , red-edged dracaena
For an average home or space of under 2,000 square feet, the study recommends using at least fifteen samples of a good variety of these common houseplants to help improve air quality. They also recommend that the plants be grown in six inch containers or larger.
For health and wellness tips for your home or office, don't hesitate to call me or drop me an email. It would be my pleasure to pass what I know to help.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
GOOD NEWS in our Marketplace
As many of you know the Real Estate market has had some pitfalls and slower than normal sales activity in the last year or so.
I am very pleased to know that in our area we are looking much brighter than in other parts of the country. Last year, we experienced one of the slowest years in terms of contract activity in 10 years.
Buyers may want to consider looking a for a home at a great price while the mortgage rates are still low and sellers there are BRIGHTER DAYS AHEAD.
Below please find some links to recent articles on the marketplace that are informative and help you better understand where we are going.
If you have any listings needs or questions on the market in our area, please don't hesitate to send an email or just call me direct on 732-684-1559.
I look forward to hearing from you. Have a fabulous and prosperous week.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Real Estate RollerCoaster Ride
So much inventory, more hurdles to get a mortgage and I haven't seen prices like this in ages. It's time to buy so what is holding everyone up? It's not going to be like this forever.
If anyone looking to buy or sell a home, please know that I'm a hardworking Real Estate Professional and know my market since 1992. Foreclosures, short sales, vacation homes, primary homes, condo/townhouse, land, new construction. I've had the experience. I am here for you buyers or sellers on the fence and not sure what to do. I would love to hear from you.........
Mission Statement
To provide valued customer service to buyers and sellers in Real Estate through listening to their needs and the communication of resourceful information that inspires them to make their best choice.
My ultimate goal is to be the catalyst to help them fulfill their AMERICAN DREAM of home ownership.
Thanks for reading my blog........Lucy
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Why are sellers so impatient?
The real estate market just like anything else is a cycle. Whatever goes up, must come down. And down is where it seems to be heading. We should consider ourselves lucky here at the Jersey Shore because our area is most definitely not experiencing the same downward spiral many other areas are like Florida, California and Nevada.
The market here is not the strongest but at least buyers are now out looking. Sellers need to realize that price is important. Buyers are looking for a good deal because most know the market could still drop a little further. Why are sellers so anxious and opposed to reducing their prices of homes for a sale? If a home is not moving no matter how many open houses, advertising, marketing, even showings a listing could have, the reasons are most always the price. The location and condition are important but PRICE to sell is a big deal.
While housing affordability in New Jersey has improved over the last year, home sales remain weak due to a variety of factors including tighter lending standards and low confidence in home prices. Adding to these housing troubles is growing concern about job security as the economy shows increasing signs of weakness.
No one has a crystal ball in this market but ending on a positive note, if you can make the move the interest rates and price points overall it is a good time to purchase a home.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Housing Information from OTTEAU
New Jersey home sales in March ran well below last year’s pace despite an increase above the February level. In March, contract-sales activity ran 27% below one year ago despite a 9% increase from February. The clear signal is that the housing market has further to fall.
While housing affordability in New Jersey has improved over the last year, home sales remain weak due to a variety of factors including tighter lending standards and low confidence in home prices. Adding to these housing troubles is growing concern about job security as the economy shows increasing signs of weakness. Particularly worrisome for the northern New Jersey submarket is a new Department of Labor estimate which projects as many as 36,000 job cuts on Wall Street, nearly double the previous estimates. Should this play out, housing demand in Manhattan and its surrounding suburbs will be further reduced.
As a result, expect the Spring selling season to be ‘late & brief’ with only a modest increase in sales activity. Given that contract-sales activity this year is the weakest in recent history (see chart at right), the 2nd half of the year will pose significant challenges for home sellers as prices continue to drift downward.
The one positive note for the housing market is that the growth in Unsold Inventory has slowed significantly and is actually declining in some markets. As a result, the New Jersey housing market has 10.5 months of for-sale inventory, down from 11 months in February. Expect a slower pace of home price declines in 2008 as the market gets closer to reaching a bottom point.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
11% Say Economy is GOOD
The Real Estate Market has slowed up some from where it was in previous markets. In my 16 year experience, I've seen HIGHS AND LOWS. It's a cycle for sure. The Spring Market is certainly starting to show some activity. It's not BOOMING but here at the JERSEY SHORE, there is a reason to be POSITIVE. What do you think?
Friday, April 4, 2008
Short Sales and Becoming ProActive

However, here in our lovely Garden State there are other things to consider, the fact the many people are hurting because the weak economy has put many in a position on not being able to make ends meet. We are losing jobs to New York and Pennsylvania then, waiting and waiting for the government to take steps in helping our citizens is a lesson in patience and doing the best we can.
Our homes are our biggest investment and what can we do if we fall to far behind in our mortgages. Something to consider if there are no other alternatives is a short sale on your home before you get too deep in debt and can't get out. Lenders would prefer to try and work a short sale out before go through the process of foreclosure with anyone if there is still time. Banks and Mortgages companies are being bombarded lately with calls. To speak to one individual who is knowledgeable about your situation is tough. If I can help in anyway let me know. I have forms and tips to share with you. I will give you the best advice I can to get you though these hard times.
Call the Bank and let them know you wish to sell your home through a short sale and let a real estate professional help guide you through the process. Hang in there.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Creating a Stress Free Environment
I know that we can all use a little of that. We all have our ups and downs. We steamroll through out days and forget to take some time to smell the coffee, take a deep breathe, slow down.
Our homes or work environments can be a catalyst to making our days harder. As I've gotten older, I have taken time to count my blessings and be grateful. Life is too short. We need to take good care of ourselves and our spaces.
When I feel the pressure of my day starting to take a toll on me, I take a break. Take a walk with my dogs, a ride in my car to the beach, stand up and stretch, yoga or meditation helps, or just simply just take a few deep breathes and just bask in the quiet before I go back to my tasks at hand.
Our spaces should also be considered. When we take the time to treat our homes or offices like beloved treasures, we can shift their energy from being merely places to being wellsprings for the replenishment of our energy.
Spring is here, and taking advantage of making positive changes in life; sure is a good thing. Small things can make a big difference, like simply moving items so that we constantly gaze upon the things we love the most, liberating the treasures we’ve hidden in our closets, using our best dishes and making small repairs.
Organizing, making repairs, and lovingly rejuvanting our spaces can increase the good flow in our spaces and mentally provide us with a new and refreshed attitude that can make our days flow much better.
It's a new season filled with the promise of new growth, wonderous opportunities and a great success. May the joy of Spring be with you.
When there is peace in the home, there is peace in our country. When there is peace in the country there is peace in the world. Let's try to create a peaceful environment to love and enjoy.........
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
It's not a Lie, it's Time to Buy!

I understand there are many buyers still out there waiting and waiting for home prices to decline even lower to get the best deal out there. Some buyers even fearful and they convince themselves that if they purchase a home today, they still could OVERPAY for the AMERICAN DREAM. I came across a great article that was recently published in Times Magazine February 25, 2008 in the "Right on your Money" section by Dan Kadlec, states that "Fianance costs will rise as the economy recovers, so trying to time real estate might not pay off"
If a home costs $218,900.00 putting 20% down on a 30 years fixed rate at 5.5% your payment would be $994.31.
Buying the same home at a price of $197,010 calculating that the home prices fall about 10% and the recessions ends, the Feds would increase the interest rate to about 6%, then the mortgage payment for the same home for a 30 year fixed loan would be $994.94.
He states that the bottom line is that waiting to buy does not necessarily save you any money but cost you money in the long run for the same home. It's certainly food for thought.
If I can email you this article, don't hesitate to email me or give me a call. HAPPY HOME BUYING.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Governor Corzine Unveils FY 2009 Budget Proposal
Today, in his budget address to a joint session of the New Jersey Legislature, Governor Jon Corzine outlined his spending priorities for the upcoming year. The Governor unveiled a proposal that cuts state spending by $500 million over the previous year's $33.5 billion budget and does not contain any new taxes or fees.
Governor Corzine is looking to achieve a reduction in state spending by cutting a minimum of 5,000 state jobs through a series of layoffs and buyouts. Governor Corzine said he wants to reduce the size of state government by also eliminating the Departments of Agriculture and Personnel, and the Commerce Commission. The plan calls for aid to hospitals, municipalities, and colleges and universities to be reduced.
Governor Corzine also acknowledged New Jersey's property tax crisis in his budget address. Under his FY 2009 spending proposal, 70 percent of homeowners will receive exactly the same $1,000-plus rebate they received last year. However, the Governor wants to reduce property tax rebates for households who earn between $100,000 and $150,000. Under his plan, if your household income exceeds $150,000 you will no longer be eligible for the rebate program. Additionally, Governor Corzine seeks to increase educational aid by $550 million, as was called for in the new school funding formula.
We are encouraged by the fact that no new taxes were imposed on the real estate industry or property owners. However, the budget proposal unveiled today is a template and NJAR® anticipates that there will be many changes to it before it is enacted into law. As always, NJAR® will closely monitor all budget negotiations and will keep you informed of any developments. The New Jersey Network (NJN) will rebroadcast Governor Corzine's Budget Message tonight at 10 p.m. NJAR® is a prime sponsor of this television event. The entire text of the address can be viewed on the governor's website at NJAR®'s statement on the budget address is available on our website at
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Buyers have Choices, it's a great time to buy a Home

NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Housing prices have dropped, there are many homes to choose from and interest rates are the lowest they have been in 5 years.It has never been easier to qualify for a home loan. Let us show you how you can afford to buy your own home – no matter what your financial condition is currently! 100% financing is still available.Now you can come to a free one-hour seminar taught by RE/MAX Gateway Sales Associates, Randi Dickman and Lucy Korzelius and Mortgage Professional, Paulina Henderson of FREEDOM MORTGAGE. You can find out for yourself how you can buy your own home.Here’s What You’ll Learn in this FREE Seminar:
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Amid all the challenging economic times, recession, rising prices at the grocery stores, health insurance, expensive auto insurance, property taxes, housing foreclosures, a slow job market, rising costs of living, the NJ deficit, Gov. Corizine’s proposed toll hikes, constant pressures to make ends meet, etc. There is always a BRIGHT SIDE.
This is a GREAT TIME to really learn to appreciate what you currently have. Learn better spending habits, try to stick to want you need to buy,not more than the toys that you have to have and stick to the basics.
Investing is better for some since many stock prices have gone down that were up high before, and it's great time to PURCHASE REAL ESTATE!
My Money Poem
I want to make money to get out of debt
I’m grateful for all my hard lessons and the time that I spent
I want to learn more about life so I bloom
And leave behind memories of darkness and gloom
In spite of my debt and my bills piling high
I am blessed beyond words with the days that go by
I’m never alone and always feel loved
He’s there for me always
“The Good Lord Above”
by Lucy Korzelius
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Free Seminar!
Free Seminar!
1500 Allaire Avenue - Suite 103, Ocean, NJ 07712
Call Lucy 732-684-1559 for Directions.
NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Housing prices have dropped, there are many homes to choose from and interest rates are the lowest they have been in 5 years.
It has never been easier to qualify for a home loan. Let us show you how you can afford to buy your own home – no matter what your financial condition is currently! 100% financing is still available.
Now you can come to a free one-hour seminar taught by RE/MAX Gateway Sales Associates, Randi Dickman and Lucy Korzelius and Mortgage Professional, Paulina Henderson, and find out for yourself how you can buy your own home.
Here’s What You’ll Learn in this FREE Seminar:
Ø Can I qualify for a home mortgage loan?
Ø What does my credit report say and how will a mortgage banker look at it?
Ø How much home can I afford to buy?
Ø How should I go about finding the right home?