Wednesday, February 28, 2007

New Jersey Makes Commitment to Preserving our Planet

Governor Corzine Calls for Sweeping Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in New Jersey

New Jersey becomes one of the first states in the nation to address the severity of GLOBAL WARMING ISSUES by 2020. New Jersey is generally at HIGH RiSK to the environmental effects of Global Warming due to our topography, coastline and coastal development.

As a New Jersey Realtor since 1993 I have noticed that many existing homes and new homes built today are not hitting the mark in making this aggressive goal a reality. I believe we all have an obligation to make this mission come true for ourselves and future generations.
On February 2, 2007 the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a report concluding that there is a 90% chance that global warming is caused by human activity.

Most recently NJ has begun a program for builders and homeowners to raise awareness, to set a building standard and to create a demand for healthy, efficient and environmental conscience dwellings.

We all can take small steps by reducing energy consumption in our homes. Breaking bad habits, being more energy savvy as consumers is a beginning. Builders can start incorporating more energy conscience solutions in they building practices. This will open up new opportunities for more job growth, technology and innovation. It's a win win situation.
Let's be the catalyst of change for a better healthier planet.